Where To Begin (Your clinic does billing in-house)


We recognize that it can be daunting when you are getting started with any new software. We have built Chart Talk on being the most intuitive and easy to use software by design. We like to focus your initial experience on the things you will be using Chart Talk for every day: Scheduling, documentaiton, billing, and collecting payments. We recognize there are going to many edge case scenrios you are wondering about, we have a whole collection of great How To articles covering just about every scenrio you could dream up.

To get started, let’s focus on seeing patients, submitting claims, and collecting payments. We’ll address those other cases as they come up.


    1. Log in

log into Chart Talk, if it’s your first time make sure you update your password!

    1. Navigation

There’s two main navigation menus in Chart Talk. The Main Navigation Menu gives you access to system tool like configuration, template editing, personal messages, and libraries. The Patient Navigation Menu is easily regnizable because of the patient inforamtion at the top of the bar including patient picture, name and age. The patient navigation menu has specific information on the selected patient including access to ledger, dashboard, medical information, communication log, and file cabinet.

    1. Set Up
      1. Profile Setup

Start with setting up your user profile by changing your password, uploading a picture, and clicing Update. If you need to enter your personal NPI or Taxonomy code, you can do that here to. We usually get to that stuff further down the line in configuration.

      1. Payers

A payer in Chart Talk is anyone you will submit a bill/claim to. There are two types of payers: Insured and Non-Insured. This is the differentce between to two –
Insured – will recieve claims on 1500 forms or electronically and will assume FIRST responsibilty for paying the claim.
Non-Insured – Will usually recive bills on a statement and patient will be assigned first responsibilty for the services.

      1. Clearinghouse

Chart Talk support will go through this with you. We will need the SFTP Connction details from your clearinghouse. Once you recieve them, please forward all emails (usually two seperate communique from your

      1. Practice Group

Enter your Group NPI and then have each provider update their profile to be a member of this group. Many times this will have already been completed for you using the initial paperwork that you filled out.

      1. Billing Codes

You will need to enter your own fee schedule

    1. Scheduling

Set up your schudle from the MAin navigation menu. Prioritize gwtting the provider and clinic hours. To start out simply, set up a New Patient and Exisiting Patinet appontment type. Set up the CS Config inner value to be the lowest common multiple of your appointment lenghth (Example 10, 12, or 15 minutes)