REPORT: Birthday List

The Birthday List Report is a monthly view of patient birthdays.

Filter: Month

Header: Patient Birthday List

Sort Results: Finished list sorted from the beginning of the month to the end.

Column Data: Last name, First Name, Address, City, State, Zip, DOB, Home Phone

Footer: NA


1. Month of active patients that have a birthday in the selected month.

2. Click to run the report.

REPORT: Appointments

This report is a breakdown of appointments. You can filter by status.

Filter: Start Date, End Date, Status

Header: Appointments

Column Data: Patient Name, Provider Name, Status, Start Date, Start Time

Footer: NA

Filter Values: Start Date, End Date and Status.



Clinic Reports

Clinic Reports can be enable or disabled for specific user roles.  Clinic reports serve functions that do not serve financial or quality reporting purposes.

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