General Information (Patient)

  1. Basic Information
    1. Patient Number
    2. First Name
    3. Middle Name
    4. Last Name
    5. Gender
    6. User Name – Generate Password
    7. Email – When Blue ‘Verify Email’ button is present, email has not been verified by the patient.
    8. Date of Birth
  2. Contact Information
    1. Address
    2. City
    3. State
    4. Zip
    5. Home Phone
    6. Emergency Contact Name
    7. Cell Phone
    8. Emergency Phone
    9. Contact Preference By – email needs to be selected to enable appointment reminders
  3. Additional Information
    1. Preferred Language
    2. Race
    3. Notes – This field refelects values in messages field on Visits screen
    4. Ethnicity
    5. Inactive
    6. Do not include in statement batch



Lists all Patient Visits in descending order.

Use the selection box to select and print multiple SOAP notes without needing to open the screen.

If claim staus is BLANK then Visit has not been marked complete.

Active Delete functionality (Trash Bin Icon) is available based on user role permissions. Edit (Pencil Icon) opens record for review and editing.

Chart Talk Visits Screen update 2024.02.24

Header/Basic Information

This information is brought forward from the last encounter.
basic soap info

  1. Date – Date of service (DOS) can be edited. Does not need to be the same as appointment date record is associated with.
  2. Date of Onset – Will be included with billing for DOS
  3. Visit Type– Visit Type is used to manage different cases for individual patients. A patient can have Dx, SOAP, and Procedures associated different visit types. When you use ‘Get Previous’ commands, Chart Talk will import information from the previous encounter of the same visit type.
  4. Payer Name- Allows you to select the preferred payer for that DOS and visit type. This will direct the billing to the selected payer, even if it’s not their primary.
  5. Alerts – Displays text when scheduling appointments for patient
  6. Message – Follows patient. Displays contents of the Notes field on Patient General Information
  7. Seen by – Provider seeing patient. NPI will be associated for billing.
  8. Claim No.- Insurance claim number associated with case
  9. Accident Reason – Enabled only when Visit Type has property “is Accident”
  10. State – Enabled only when Accident Reason is Auto



SOAP SMART Command – Right Click on any S,O,A,P field to ‘Get Previous’ results from the immediate prior visit of the same Visit Type. On iOS,, tap the field labels to ‘Get Previous’

  1. Subjective – Related Posts: Patient Reminders, Chief Complaint Form
  2. Objective
  3. Assessment
  4. Plan

Billing Information

*CODE GROUPS: Please see page How to Create and Use Code Groups to find out more about this feature.

billing info

  1. Add Dx – Button opens the Add Dx tool. Dragging list items will reorder Dx list. Top Dx is Primary Dx.
    1. Code
    2. Description
  2. Add CPT – To modify an existing procedure delete the item and add again
    1. Code
    2. Description
    3. Units
    4. Modifier
    5. Rate
  3. Exam Checkbox – Tick if exam performed on DOS
  4. XRay Checkbox – Tick if XRay exists corresponding to DOS

Completing Documentation

Save.complete bar1

View 1- prior to completing the visit, user will only have the above 4 options

  1. Floating Save, Save and Complete, Cancel, Compare button group
    1. Save- saves the SOAP without completing the visit or creating the charge
    2. Save & Complete – One click will: Mark visit complete and create charges for visit
    3. Cancel
    4. Compare – View three consecutive SOAP notes sided by side

save.complete bar2

View 2- after completing the visit, user now has additional choices

  1. Floating Save, Cancel, Compare, Print, Add Patient Signature button group
    1. Save- saves any changes made within documentation portion of the SOAP
    2. Cancel
    3. Compare – View three consecutive SOAP notes sided by side
    4. Print- Prints the SOAP notes
    5. Add Patient Signature- Prompts a pop up for adding a patients signature directly to that SOAP


get previous

Smart Commands

Can be accessed by right clicking any text field

    1. Previous Subjective – Overwrites subjective field with value of previous subjective field of the same visit type.
    2. Previous Objective – Overwrites objective field with value of previous objective field of the same visit type.
    3. Previous Assessment – Overwrites assessment field with value of previous assessment field of the same visit type.
    4. Previous Plan – Overwrites plan field with value of previous plan field of the same visit type.
    5. Previous SOAP – Overwrites all SOAP fields with value of previous SOAP fields of the same visit type.
    6. Active Meds – Appends a list of active medication where the cursor is located.
    7. Vitals – Appends a list of most recent vital values blood pressure, height, weight, and BMI where the cursor is located
    8. Allergy – Appends a list of active allergies where the cursor is located.

Patient Navigation Menu

Patient Info Box

The patient info box can be seen on all patient screens
The patient info box can be seen on all patient screens

The Patient Navigation Menu is available on any screen when a patient has been selected. To access the main navigation menu click on ‘My Office’ or the Chart Talk Icon.

On desktop/laptop screens the Patient Navigation Menu appears on the left hand side of the screen. In mobile browsers the Patient Navigation Menu appears at the top of the Screen.

The Patient Navigation Menu can be collapsed/expanded by toggling the green double arrow icon.

Patient Navigation Menu
Patient Navigation Menu
  1. Dashboard
  2. Visits
  3. Manage Payments
  4. Medical
    1. Problem List
    2. Vitals
    3. Family History
    4. Social History
    5. Past Illness
    6. Hospitalizations
    7. Injuries
    8. Medications
    9. Allergies
  5. Information
    1. Payer
    2. General Information
    3. Guarantor
  6. File Cabinet
  7. Amendments
  8. Log

SUBMENU: Medical


  1. Access the patient page
  2. Expand the Medical Menu from the Patient Navigation Menu<
  3. Select the Submenu item

The Medical tab is in the Patient Navigation Menu for each Patient. By clicking on the arrow at the right side of the tab, a drop down list will display. This list includes: Problem List, Vitals, Family History, Social History, Past Illness, Hospitalization, Injuries and Medications and Allergies. Click on each tab to be able to create, review or update records.

An overview of the Medical Tab can be seen from the Dashboard Tab also. Any tab on the Dashboard that has a plus sign can have data entered through the Dashboard and will store with in the selected Medical Sub-menu.

File Cabinet


  1. Access the patient page
  2. Select File Cabinet from the navigation menu.
Chart Talk File Cabinet Main Screen
List of all documents in the patient file cabinet.

A. Drop down filter allows you to limit which documents are visible in the File Cabinet list (B).
B. The File Cabinet list shows document details as well as provides a link (pencil icon) to open the document for review, modification and printing.
C. The Convert button moves attached files from the outdated Chart Talk Desktop document structure into the supported Chart Talk Cloud architecture.
D. The create button opens a new record.


new file cab doc


A. Document Name- allows you to create and customize the name of your document.
B. Document Type- list shows various pre-loaded document types or classifications. When selecting a document that is already loaded into the interface, the template previously saved will populate and allow user to customize report for the patient visit and save into their file cabinet.(see sample of narrative report and MVA report in Narrative Templates below).
C. The Upload File button allows user to upload a previously saved document from their desktop or external files.
D. Narrative text- allows the user to draft a new document from scratch.

filecab narrative report

filecab MVA report