Referring Provider

The referring provider master table lists all unique referring providers in your Chart Talk database. You can enter the provider information here, or add a new provider while entering information from the patient navigation menu. The information included here is sometime included in boxes 17 & 17b of the CMS 1500 form.

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. NPI
  4. Email
  5. Fax
  6. Phone
  7. Address 1
  8. Address 2
  9. City
  10. State
  11. Zip
  12. IsDirect – If this providers email address is a DIRECT address and can be sent DIRECT messages

Employer Detail

The master table lists all employers. An employer can be entered directly here, or if needed, can be done while entering employee information from the patient navigation menu.

  1. Employer Name
  2. Address 1
  3. Phone Number
  4. Address 2
  5. Contact Name
  6. Contact Number
  7. City, State, ZIP

Practice Group

Practice Group is used for billing purposes when a group of clinicians bill under one TIN. Providers that are part of a group should be linked to this group using their User Profile Setup.

  1. Group Name – Arbitrary value, does not appear on claims
  2. NPI – Group NPI
  3. Interchange Qualifer – Usually 30, determined by clearing house
  4. Tax ID – TIN of practice group
  5. SSN or EIN

Narrative Templates

narrative template main

The Narrative Templates tool allows a user to create or edit documents for a patient’s file cabinet.

A- Create: Allows a user to create a new template from scratch.

B- Edit: Choosing an exiting document from the list allows a user to edit a previously created template.

filecab narrative report



  • Last Name, First Name
  • InActive
  • Filter
  • Reset
  • Create
  • Data Columns – Clicking column header will sort the column

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Active- If checked patient is active
  • DOB
  • Sex
  • Primary Payer
  • Edit – Click pencil to make changes
  • Message – Click envelope to compose secure message
  • REPORT: Batch 1500

    This report will print all claims matching the applied filters. All claims will print on one multiple page report. Use this option instead of printing each 1500 individually from the billing screen.

    Filter: Start Date, End Date, Payer, Provider, Service Address, Billing Address.

    Header: Title

    By clicking the generate button, all claims with status NEW matching the filter criteria will be output to a 1500 form for printing.

    CLAIM STATUS INDICATOR CHANGE: On the Billing screen, the claim status will be set to Printed.

    Audit Log

      Filter Values – Filter by the selected columns value

    1. Modified By
    2. Action
    3. From Date
    4. To Date
    5. Patient Name
    6. Reset Action Button- resets filter values.
    7. Data Columns

    8. Table *scheduled for removal
    9. Column *scheduled for removal
    10. Action
    11. Screen
    12. Old Value
    13. New Value
    14. Date
    15. Time
    16. Modified By
    17. Patient
    18. IsModified

    CS Config


    1. Time Division – The duration of the blocks of time in the left hand side of Clinic Schedule
    2. Time Subdivision – Blocks of time that the Time Division will be divided into

    EXAMPLE: Time Division = 60 & Time Subdivison = 10 will produce a Clinic Schedule presented by hour which will break each hour into 6 blocks

    BEST PRACTICE: Make Time Subdivision the least common multiple the duration of your Appointment Types

    Visit Type

    Visit Type is used to manage different cases for individual patients. A patient can have Dx, SOAP, and Procedures associated different visit types. When you use ‘Get Previous’ commands, Chart Talk will import information from the previous encounter of the same visit type.

    Create button opens Visit Type Tool to add a new visit type

      Data Columns

    1. Edit Record
    2. Short Name
    3. Long Description
    4. IsAccident – Represents a motor vehicle,workers comp type case, or other type of accident case