TOOL PATIENT: Problem (Dx) Code

AVAILABLE ON: Visit Screen

Purpose: Add one or multiple Dx codes to patient

Good to know: Adding a new problem will associate the problem with the selected Visit Type

Troubleshooting tip: If list does not show ICD10 codes, the Primary Payer is set to take ICD9 Codes. Edit the Primary Payer and return to Visit Record to add proper Dx.


  • Filter the list by typing code into the filter box.
  • Select code by double clicking selected code in list.
  • Add multiple codes to the visit record without closing the tool.  Double click your selected code and then filter for the next code.
  • When finished, close the tool by clicking X in the upper right of the tool.

Payment Detail Tool


  1. Description: Payment, copayment, Adjustment are the three most common selection.  Detailed description of each option are available in our online manual at
  2. Who Paid – this is a list of all payers and guarantors.  This is why it is important to at least set the patient up as their own guarantor, so you can apply payments from them.
  3. Pay/Adj/Code – options in this field will change based on the Description and WhoPaid – for payers options like Ins Check or direct deposit are available, where as a patient or guarantor will have visa, MC, cash and check as options.
  4. Adj Reason – optional field to help classify adjustment reasons .  Primarily used when evaluating payments, payers, and services quarterly or annually.
  5. Amount – The actual payment or adjustment amount.
  6. Date received – will default to the date the payment detail tool was opened .This can be backdated if needed.
  7. Check # – this field is used for the insurance check detail report and will group all payments applied to the same check number.
  8. Comment – open text for any notes on any payment or adjustment.

Problem List

BEST PRACTICE: Add Dx from the Visit screen. Use the Problem List for reference to see Dx history and cases sise-by-side.


  1. Delete – Remove all record of Dx
  2. Edit – Change a property of the selected record
  3. Description – As defined for Billing Code library
  4. Problem Code – As defined for Billing Code library
  5. Diagnosed – Date first entered/diagnosed
  6. Modified – Most recent date the record was altered/modified/edited
  7. Visit Type – Associated visit type for case management
  8. Index – Not editable. Reflects order of Dx from Visit Screen

Adding a Diagnosis


  1. Problem Code – Description and Code listed in Billing Code library
    1. Add Problem Code
  2. Visit Type – Associated visit type for case managemnt
  3. Status – Active, resolved, or chronic
  4. Diagnosed Date – Use calendar tool to select or type in date
  5. Save and Return to Problem List

Audit Log

    Filter Values – Filter by the selected columns value

  1. Modified By
  2. Action
  3. From Date
  4. To Date
  5. Patient Name
  6. Reset Action Button- resets filter values.
  7. Data Columns

  8. Table *scheduled for removal
  9. Column *scheduled for removal
  10. Action
  11. Screen
  12. Old Value
  13. New Value
  14. Date
  15. Time
  16. Modified By
  17. Patient
  18. IsModified

CS Config


  1. Time Division – The duration of the blocks of time in the left hand side of Clinic Schedule
  2. Time Subdivision – Blocks of time that the Time Division will be divided into

EXAMPLE: Time Division = 60 & Time Subdivison = 10 will produce a Clinic Schedule presented by hour which will break each hour into 6 blocks

BEST PRACTICE: Make Time Subdivision the least common multiple the duration of your Appointment Types

Visit Type

Visit Type is used to manage different cases for individual patients. A patient can have Dx, SOAP, and Procedures associated different visit types. When you use ‘Get Previous’ commands, Chart Talk will import information from the previous encounter of the same visit type.

Create button opens Visit Type Tool to add a new visit type

    Data Columns

  1. Edit Record
  2. Short Name
  3. Long Description
  4. IsAccident – Represents a motor vehicle,workers comp type case, or other type of accident case