REPORT: Deposit Slip

This report is a breakdown of deposits in the reporting period.

Filter: Start Date, End Date

Header: Title, Date report was run

First Section Column Data: Patient Name, Payment Date, Check Number, Amount

Second Section Column Data: Patient Account Details, Patient Name, Payment Date, Check Number, Amount

Footer: Totals

REPORT: Year To Date By Financial Code

This report is a breakdown of payments collected by Financial Code.

Filter: Begin Date, End Date

Header: Title, Date report was run

Column Data: Code, Description, Charge, Insurance Paid, Insurance Adjustment, Balance Transfer, Patient Paid, Patient Adjustment

Footer: Total Charges, Total Insurance Paid, Total Insurance Adjustment, Total Balance Transfer, Total Patient Paid, Total Patient Adjustment

REPORT: Service History

This report is a breakdown of services performed by provider and patient.

Filter: Patient Name, Begin Date, End Date, Provider

Header: Title, Date report was run

Column Data: Service Date, DX Codes, Procedure, Qty, Modifier, Fee

Footer: Total Service Charges, Total Patient Payments, Total Insurance Payments, Total Adjustments

REPORT: Provider Analysis

This report is a breakdown of services performed by provider during the selected reporting period.

Filter: Begin Date, End Date, Provider

Header: Title, Date report was run

Column Data: Code, Description, Tax Amount, Amount, Units, Average

Payer Payments: Checks, Ins credit Cards, Direct Deposit. Totaled and listed by payer. Payments and adjustment totals. Payments and adjustments during reporting period for single provider only.

Footer: Total AR Balance, Total Procedure Charges, Total Tax Amount, Take Backs, Total Cash, Total Co-Payment Amounts, Total Checks, Total Co-Payment Count, Total Checks Ins, Total Provider Reductions, Total Direct Deposit, Total Gross Sale, Total Discover, Total American Express, Total Visa, Total Master Card, Total Take Backs, Total Payments, Total Adjustments Minus, Total Adjustments Plus, Total Write Off, Total Collections, Total Adjustments, Total Adjustments + Payments

REPORT: Patient Ledger

This report is a breakdown of patient history during chosen reporting period.

Filter: Patient Name : Start Date : End Date : Show Payments option

Header: Patient Ledger

Column Data: Date Of Service, Procedure, Description, Diagnosis Code, Tax Amount, Amounts($)

Footer: Providers: Provider Name, NPI, Tax Id