General Information (Patient)

  1. Basic Information
    1. Patient Number
    2. First Name
    3. Middle Name
    4. Last Name
    5. Gender
    6. User Name – Generate Password
    7. Email – When Blue ‘Verify Email’ button is present, email has not been verified by the patient.
    8. Date of Birth
  2. Contact Information
    1. Address
    2. City
    3. State
    4. Zip
    5. Home Phone
    6. Emergency Contact Name
    7. Cell Phone
    8. Emergency Phone
    9. Contact Preference By – email needs to be selected to enable appointment reminders
  3. Additional Information
    1. Preferred Language
    2. Race
    3. Notes – This field refelects values in messages field on Visits screen
    4. Ethnicity
    5. Inactive
    6. Do not include in statement batch