Clinic Schedule

Chart Talk Chiropractic Clinic schedule for chiropractic practice management
Customize the Chart Talk clinic schedule to easily see information about your workday and your patients for chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, and other appointment types.

Provider Schedule: Time breakdown can be edited using CS Config

  1. Provider List can be modified to show more/less providers by clicking the ‘x’ for less and adding more by clicking in the blank area of the bar.
  2. Date navigation: Next/Previous day using the arrows, jump to ‘Today’, or use the Claendar date selection tool./li>
  3. Schedule View: Print and change view.
  4. Red line indicates current time
    1. Appointments

    2. Patient Name
    3. Appointment Status
    4. Alert Indicator
    5. Hover Message: hold cursor over appointment to see this message

Return to Previous View

Clinic schedule will launch with the last view/date during that log in session.