Report: Patient Statement by Batch PR

The batch report will print statements for every patient with a non-zero balance in the selected range of last names. The patient statement will fit in standard double window #9 envelopes. The statement will list the remaining total for all services that have been marked as patient responsibly from the Manage Payments screen even if the balances are paid off. If there is a check mark next to the CPT/Service in manage payments screen will show up on this type of statement

Filter: Last Name Range, Start Letter, End Letter
Minimum amount of patient balance, Number of days since a statement was generated.

Header: Clinic Address & Pt Info for Standard Envelope Window,

Column Data:DOS, Patient or Payment source, Code, Description, Charges marked as patient responsibility

Footer: Taxes applied table , Balance Due, Patient Account Credit

REPORT: Deposit Slip

This report is a breakdown of deposits in the reporting period.

Filter: Start Date, End Date

Header: Title, Date report was run

First Section Column Data: Patient Name, Payment Date, Check Number, Amount

Second Section Column Data: Patient Account Details, Patient Name, Payment Date, Check Number, Amount

Footer: Totals

REPORT: Patient Call Back List

The ‘Patient Call Back List’ generates a list of patients who have a documented encounter since the “visit on file since” but have not had another encounter since” not seen since”

Visit on file since- Example 1/1/2018
Not Seen Since- Example 1/31/2018
Click Generate
*With these filter values the report will generate patients that were seen in January 2018 but not seen since.

  1. Patient Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Phone Number
  4. Email
  5. Last Visit date- Last date a visit was generated and saved
  6. Provider- provider seen as last visit. Will not populate provider if cash sale was not associated with provider
  7. Count of visits- How many visits/cash sales in the time period

Referring Provider (Patient Menu)

  1. Select Provider – List is populated by master referring provider table
  2. Assign provider – Adds selected provider to list and brings up detail entry tool.
  3. Add referring provider – Add a referring provider to the master referring provider table from this screen
  4. Main – Only one entry can be main. When marked main the referring provider inforamtion will be included in box 17 of the CMS 1500
  5. Referring Provider
  6. Qualifier – Included in box 17 of CMS 1500
  7. Referral Date
  8. Referring Reason
  9. Edit Record
  10. Delete Record

REPORT: Batch 1500

This report will print all claims matching the applied filters. All claims will print on one multiple page report. Use this option instead of printing each 1500 individually from the billing screen.

Filter: Start Date, End Date, Payer, Provider, Service Address, Billing Address.

Header: Title

By clicking the generate button, all claims with status NEW matching the filter criteria will be output to a 1500 form for printing.

CLAIM STATUS INDICATOR CHANGE: On the Billing screen, the claim status will be set to Printed.

REPORT: Year To Date By Financial Code

This report is a breakdown of payments collected by Financial Code.

Filter: Begin Date, End Date

Header: Title, Date report was run

Column Data: Code, Description, Charge, Insurance Paid, Insurance Adjustment, Balance Transfer, Patient Paid, Patient Adjustment

Footer: Total Charges, Total Insurance Paid, Total Insurance Adjustment, Total Balance Transfer, Total Patient Paid, Total Patient Adjustment