Patient Navigation Menu

Patient Info Box

The patient info box can be seen on all patient screens
The patient info box can be seen on all patient screens

The Patient Navigation Menu is available on any screen when a patient has been selected. To access the main navigation menu click on ‘My Office’ or the Chart Talk Icon.

On desktop/laptop screens the Patient Navigation Menu appears on the left hand side of the screen. In mobile browsers the Patient Navigation Menu appears at the top of the Screen.

The Patient Navigation Menu can be collapsed/expanded by toggling the green double arrow icon.

Patient Navigation Menu
Patient Navigation Menu
  1. Dashboard
  2. Visits
  3. Manage Payments
  4. Medical
    1. Problem List
    2. Vitals
    3. Family History
    4. Social History
    5. Past Illness
    6. Hospitalizations
    7. Injuries
    8. Medications
    9. Allergies
  5. Information
    1. Payer
    2. General Information
    3. Guarantor
  6. File Cabinet
  7. Amendments
  8. Log

Main Navigation Menu

The Main Navigation Menu is available on screen when a patient is not selected. To access the main navigation menu click on ‘My Office’ or the Chart Talk Icon.

On desktop/laptop screens the Main Navigation Menu appears on the left hand side of the screen. In mobile browsers the Main Navigation Menu appears at the top of the Screen.

The Main Navigation Menu can be collapsed/expanded by toggling the green double arrow icon.

Main Navigation Menu
Main Navigation Menu

Patient Dashboard


  • Main Dashboard – Click the Patients Name from the Todays Visit Widget
  • Patient Screens – Click Dashboard from the Top Selection of the Patient Navigation Menu

  1. Patient Reports – A select number of Patient Reports are available to run without having to go to the report section of Chart Talk.
  2. Vitals Chart – Clicking the Blue Plus (‘+’) icon launches a data entry tool. The Canvas Area plots height, weight & BMI over time for the patient. TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE: If height or weight was not entered then the data points will go to 0. Open Vitals from the Medical submenu and enter data, edit data point and/or re-save.*
  3. Visits – A list of all visit records. Click on the date to open a specific record. Clicking the Blue Plus (‘+’) icon launches a blank visit screen.
  4. Functional Assesment – The drop down menu list all types of functional outcome documents that the patient has filled out using the Chart Talk Patient portal. Selecting a specific document will graph the FA results in the canvas area. * A printout of this graph is available on the Patient Review Report
  5. Upcoming Appointments – All future appointments using the Chart Talk scheduler. Click the Printer and it will print out list of upcoming appointments
  6. Problems – List of all active and inactive diagnosis.
  7. Notifications –
  8. Medications – A list of active medications. Clicking the Blue Plus (‘+’) icon launches a data entry tool.
  9. File Cabinet – A list of documents in the patients File Cabinet. Drop down list filters for specific data types.