- Chiro Care – An Excel document for patients that have completed the Oswestry 2.1a in a defined period
- Functional Outcome Report – Population report for a defined period and a selected functioal outcome form
Category: Configuration
CS Config
- Time Division – The duration of the blocks of time in the left hand side of Clinic Schedule
- Time Subdivision – Blocks of time that the Time Division will be divided into
EXAMPLE: Time Division = 60 & Time Subdivison = 10 will produce a Clinic Schedule presented by hour which will break each hour into 6 blocks
BEST PRACTICE: Make Time Subdivision the least common multiple the duration of your Appointment Types
Visit Type
Visit Type is used to manage different cases for individual patients. A patient can have Dx, SOAP, and Procedures associated different visit types. When you use ‘Get Previous’ commands, Chart Talk will import information from the previous encounter of the same visit type.
Create button opens Visit Type Tool to add a new visit type
- Edit Record
- Short Name
- Long Description
- IsAccident – Represents a motor vehicle,workers comp type case, or other type of accident case
Data Columns
Room Info
Room Info is a non-required value for an appointment. Rooms can be assigned at the time of scheduling or when a patient is in clinic from the Clinic Dashboard.
- Unique name of room
Family History
- Enter Name
- Filter/Reset
- Create
- Delete
- Edit
- Name
- Relation
- Disease
- Active
- Age at Diagnosis
- Sex
- Observation
- First Name
- Disease
- Last Name
- Age Diagnosed
- Sex
- Cause of Death
- Relationship
- Click if disease is still active
- Observations
- Save
Social History
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Drugs
- Occupation *Scheduled for removal. Redundant information with Employment Table
- Travel
- Launch Add Injury Record Tool
- Name
- Date of injury
- Reason
- Delete Record.
- Edit Record
- Name
- Date
- Reason
General Information (Patient)
- Basic Information
- Patient Number
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Gender
- User Name – Generate Password
- Email – When Blue ‘Verify Email’ button is present, email has not been verified by the patient.
- Date of Birth
- Contact Information
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Home Phone
- Emergency Contact Name
- Cell Phone
- Emergency Phone
- Contact Preference By – email needs to be selected to enable appointment reminders
- Additional Information
- Preferred Language
- Race
- Notes – This field refelects values in messages field on Visits screen
- Ethnicity
- Inactive
- Do not include in statement batch
Provider Availability
- Provider – Provider alerts will apply to
- Day – Day of the week
- Day start time – Beginning of the day (24 hour format)
- Day End time – End of the day (24 hour format)