Todays Appointments

Click the More option on the Todays Appointment Widget

Todays Appointement Screen is based off the origianl Chart Talk documentation workflow,

  1. Filters
    1. Provider list – The list will defualt to show only the provider that is logged in. If the logged in user is not a provider, the list will default to all active providers.
    2. Date range – Start and end will defualt to the current day. The date range can be expanded to show all appointmnets for any valid date range.
  2. Patient Appointments
    1. Patient Name – Clicking this will display the patient general information in the Patient Detail area.
    2. Appointment Time – – Clicking this will display the visit record in the Patient Detail area.
  3. Patient Details – Displays information similar to the General Information and Patient Visit screen.
  4. SMART Talk icon – Can be dragged around the screen using the yellow handle. When red mic is not listeneing. Toggle Microphone on/off by clicking or using key combination Alt + Q. Microphone turns blue when in command mode. Press Alt + W to toggle command recognition on/off.



Context -These are the areas that you want to be notified with this memo. You can select just on or multiple contexts for a specific memo. If you want to add a context after you have created a memo, you need to create a new memo record.

Content – This is your memos message, tailored to the contexts where the message is pertinent.

Acknowledge – Acknowledging the memo will stop the message from being displayed in all of the contexts.

Delete – Removes the memo, never to be seen or heard from again.

Chart Talk Memo Dock
The Chart Talk Memo Dock is on the right side of your screen.

Memo Mangement Screen

The memo management screen list each combination of memo content and context seperately. In the memo dock these messages will be grouped together and will all be acknowledged at the same time.

Creating a Memo


    1. Clinic Schedule

– Visual indicator that memo exisits on appointment block. When scheduling an appointment for a patient, Memo dock will display memo content.

    1. Route Slip

– All active memos will be listed on patient route slip below header information.

    1. Auto Post Screen

– When posting payments for a patient, Memo dock will display memo content.

    1. Check Input Tool

– When entering payments for a patient, Memo dock will display memo content.

    1. SOAP

– – When launching or viewing the SOAP screen for a patient, Memo dock will display memo content.

    1. Billing Screen

– When entering payments for a patient, Memo dock will display memo content.

    1. Patient Payment Screen

– Visual indicator that memo is active for this context on appointment block. When scheduling an appointment for a patient, Memo dock will display memo content.

    1. Clinic Dashboard

– Visual indicator that memo exisits on appointment row.


Up to 2000 Characters in length. If the memo content needs to exceed 2000 characters, consider using File Cabinet and templates for the message and memo as a reminder.


How to enable Memos
How to use Memos

Appointment Reminder Settings

Chart Talk Appointment Reminder Settings
Automated message settings in Chart Talk

Each function uses the template selected. Pictured are the default values. If you want to edit the template, go to Email Templates and edit both the SMS and Email values.

    1. Appointment Acknowledgement Reminder

– This message is sent immediately when an appointment request is approved or an appointment is scheduled manually.

    1. 1st Appointment Reminder

– Will happen X number days (24 hours before appt by default)

    1. Day Reminder

– Will happen X number hours (2 hours before appt by default)

    1. Monthly Statement Reminder

– Notifies the Patient OR Guarantor by communication preference that they can download statement through the patient portal.

PROCESS Collecting a Co-pay

An alert similar to the one above will post to your screen IF the patients primary insurer is listed as having a Co-pay. (see how to set up patient insurance). By selecting “No” the alert will close and you can continue.

By selecting “Yes” you will be prompted to Collect Co-Pay at check in and will have the ability to log payment.

Once a copayment has been added to an account. It will display in Manage Payments under APT Payment Tab.

*If the patient prefers to pay after he/she has seen the Dr. you can accept the payment from the Clinic Dashboard PRIOR to Completing the appointment on the Dashboard by clicking on the green Action icon in the far right column where their name appears.

**Once a visit is completed, copayment is automatically applied to primary CPT code for date of service.

Payer Information (Patient)

Navigate to Patient


Payer Information

  1. Chose Insured or Non Insured
  2. Payer Name
  3. Pick applicable preference
  4. Click box to make active
  5. Click Add

  6. Member( clinic Reference)
  7. Insurance ID (REQUIRED FIELD)
  8. Type (Clinic Reference)
  9. Group Number
  10. Co-Pay($) (will populate an alert with ($) amount when checking in from clinic Dashboard)
  11. Co-Insurance(%)
  12. Relation (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  13. Fields 12 – 21 only active in Relation is not SELF
  14. First Name (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  15. Middle Name (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  16. Last Name (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  17.  DOB (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  18.  Sex (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  19. Street Address (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  20.  City (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  21.  State (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  22.  Zip (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  23. Phone (depending on who is selected information is pulled from General Information)
  24. NPI Number( not used. Treating provider NPI pulls from user set up)


Insurance Authorizations

  1. Authorization Number – Reference number
  2. Authorization Units – Allowed visits
  3. Authorized from – Beginning date
  4. Authorized to – End date
  5. Auth Active – Only one authorization range can be active at a time
  6. Save
  7. Add – Clears fields to enter a new authorization if in edit mode.
  8. Authorization List – History of insurance authorizations for patient.
  9. Send Auth. in Edi- Will include Authorization number in Electronic Claim (only send if insurance requires, over rides other references)

Report: Route Slip

This report will allow you to print batch of Route Slips

Filter: Start Date, End Date, Provider

Header: Clinic Name, Printed on Date

Top Section: Patient Last Name, First Name, Appt Date, Appt Time, Patient Address, Insurance Balance owing, Patient Balance Owing, Patient DOB, Patient phone number, Patient Email address, Appt provider, Last visit, Next appt, Primary Ins, Copay, Alert

Column: Configured by clinic. 3 columns open for data specific to the clinic. See how here: Route Slip Configuration

REPORT: Manage Patient Payments

Manage Patient Payments displays all charges, patient payments, and payer payments within a reporting period. Displays similar to Manage Payments in the patient account

Header: Date report was run, Time report was run, Start Date, End Date
Clinic Address

Patient/ Date of Birth

Column Date: Date of Service, CPT code, Payment, Who Paid, Payment Date, Pay/adjust/code, Reason, Provider

Footer: Ins owes Total, Ins paid Total, Patient owes Total, Patient paid Total, Patient Account Credit

REPORTS: Electronic Submitted Claims

Detailed information regarding electronic claim submissions by batch and patients included in each batch with totals

Input: Start Date, End Date

Header: User Name, Date/Time, Start Date, End Date

Column Data 1: Batch ID, Claim Count, Time Submitted

Column Data 2: Batch ID, Claim #, Patient Name, No of Charges, Total Charges ($)

Footer: Grand Total, No of Charges, Total Charges ($)

REPORT: Deposit Slip

This report is a breakdown of deposits in the reporting period.

Filter: Start Date, End Date

Header: Title, Date report was run

First Section Column Data: Patient Name, Payment Date, Check Number, Amount

Second Section Column Data: Patient Account Details, Patient Name, Payment Date, Check Number, Amount

Footer: Totals