Auto Post

How to: Use Autopost

Chart Talk Autopost 835 Claim Remittance
Post insurance checks recived electronically or use the check entry tool. Multiple patietn payments can be added from here without needing to navigate to every patient.


  1. Claim ID
  2. Patient Name
  3. Check No
  4. Check Status
  5. Action Buttons

  6. Filter – Apply filters
  7. Reset – Clear filter list
  8. Check Input- Opens Check Input Tool
  9. Pt Pmts – Opens the patient payment tool. This allows you to enter a payment for the patient without needing to go to the patient page and upen manage payments.
  10. Submit – Processes any items marked Done.
  11. Column Data

  12. Claim ID
  13. Response Date Date 835 received
  14. Date of Service
  15. Patient Name
  16. Payer Name
  17. Is Processed
  18. Check No
  19. Action: Info – Display contents of the 835 electronic EOB
  20. Done – Done will make the item disappear from the default view of this screen.

Check Input Tool

Check Input Tab

Chart Talk Check Input Tool 2.0
Chart Talk Check Input Tool 2.0

Check/Charge Detail


  1. Insurance selection drop down menu
  2. Check Number
  3. Total payment amount – This amount will be used as a final check when applying payments. If total does not reconcile with individual payments, the function cannot be completed
  4. Payment Type- Insurance Check, Direct Deposit, Insurance CC
  5. Date: Date on Check
  6. Data Input Fields

  7. Patient – Select patient name
  8. DOS – All charges not set to patient responsibility are available from oldest to newest
  9. Payment – Total payment for charge
  10. Adjustment – Adjustment for charge
  11. APT Balance- Amount of patient credit to apply to charge.
  12. Finished – Will assign the remainder of balance as patient responsibility
  13. Add – Adds record to box below
  14. Total- Total payment amount made to selected charge
  15. Balance due remaining on the selected charge
  16. Credit Bal- Any amount of credit the patient is carrying when patient account was loaded.
  17. Cloumn Details

  18. Patient Name
  19. DOS/Charge
  20. Payment amount
  21. Adjustment
  22. APT Credit
  23. Finished- ‘finished’ box checked will assign the remainder of balance as patient responsibility
  24. Delete charge – use this if you need to edit a line item and re-apply it
  25. Total Payment – Sum of all payments in the payment list
  26. Total Adjustment – Sum of all adjustments in the payment list
  27. Total Apply APT Amount – Sum of all patient credit payments applied in the patient list
  28. Save Progress- Save the details of the check to the ‘Saved Checks’ tab to be completed later.
  29. Apply Payments – Once the Total Payment(15) is equal to the check amount (3) payments will be applied to all accounts when clicking this button.

Saved Checks Tab

Check Input Tool
Check Input Tool – Saved Checks Tab

  1. Check No – Filter list by check number
  2. Payer – Filter list by Payer
  3. Check Staus – By default, filter is set to Not Applied
  4. Buttons

  5. Filter – Apply filter value to list
  6. Reset – Clear filter values
  7. Columns – Values from saved check data

  8. Check Date
  9. Check No.
  10. Amount
  11. Payment Type
  12. Total Patients
  13. Applied
  14. Pencil – Loads check details to Check Input tab to continue editing