REPORT: Birthday List

The Birthday List Report is a monthly view of patient birthdays.

Filter: Month

Header: Patient Birthday List

Sort Results: Finished list sorted from the beginning of the month to the end.

Column Data: Last name, First Name, Address, City, State, Zip, DOB, Home Phone

Footer: NA


1. Month of active patients that have a birthday in the selected month.

2. Click to run the report.

REPORT: Appointments

This report is a breakdown of appointments. You can filter by status.

Filter: Start Date, End Date, Status

Header: Appointments

Column Data: Patient Name, Provider Name, Status, Start Date, Start Time

Footer: NA

Filter Values: Start Date, End Date and Status.



Assign New


  1. Patient – Select Patient
  2. Add Assigned Document
  3. Remove Assigned Document
  4. Done

Delete an assigned document:

  • Locate Patient: Last Name, First Name
  • Click the document on the right side table you wish to delete
  • Click the back arrow to move to left table
  • Click Done
  • Clinic


    1. Clinic Name : This is the title that will appear along the header of your reports.
    2. Business Name : This is uneditable. Thifield holds the subdomain of your Chart Talk URL.
    3. City: *Field is Redundant/Scheduled to be removed*
    4. Tax Rate: Tax rate applied to codes marked ‘isTaxable’

    Billing Codes

    Billing CodesCode Groups

    1. Code – This is the actual code. Numbers, letters, special characters. Do not include modifiers with this code.
    2. Description – This description shows up when looking up codes and on some reports.
    3. Code Type – Chart Talk supports many different code types ICD10, SNOMED, CPT, GCodes, LOINC, or your custome office codes.
    4. Charge – This value is only valid for GCodes CPT codes. (In the future this may be enabled for codes of type SNOMED if payers begin accepting SNOMED procedure coding in a pay-for-service model)
    5. Do Not Bill – Short for ‘Do Not Bill Insurance.’  Codes marked with ‘Do Not Bill’ can be added to visit records and included on charges but will not be included on any 1500 or submitted electronically to insurance.  The code will be included in the DOS and assigned immediately as patient responsibility.
    6. Is Taxable – This box will apply the tax rate (Set on the Clinic Setup configuration) to the charge.  This box if frequently used with charges set as ‘Do Not Bill.’

    CPT Codes for Chiropractors
    The American Medical Association (AMA) holds copyright and maintains all CPT codes. CPT codes are used to describe all medical procedures a provider performs on a patient. The CPT code informs the insurance company that the provider wants reimbursement for these procedures. Each CPT code contains five characters, which are numeric or alphanumeric, based on CPT code category. While there are three categories of CPT codes, most chiropractic providers primarily use Category I codes, which correspond to specific services or procedures. There are also two character modifiers attached to certain codes used to clarify any descriptions.

    The AMA releases updated versions of CPT codes each October. Codes, even common ones, may change from year to year. Providers receive notification that such codes are scheduled to change in advance. Service providers must pay licensing fees to obtain code access.

    A provider should complete a license request form with the AMA to recieve CPT code lists for that year. Transcribe the necessary codes manually into Chart Talk and a CPT code lookup is simple.

    Code Groups simplify entering multiple diagnosis or service codes. Select the Group option above the selected table and select the proper group. The codes will be added to the table if it is empty or appended to the existing list. You can delete individual codes or rearrange the codes after they are entered into the table.

    Code groups can only have one category of code in them like ICD-10 for example.

    Creating and Using Groups



    Lists all Patient Visits in descending order.

    Use the selection box to select and print multiple SOAP notes without needing to open the screen.

    If claim staus is BLANK then Visit has not been marked complete.

    Active Delete functionality (Trash Bin Icon) is available based on user role permissions. Edit (Pencil Icon) opens record for review and editing.

    Chart Talk Visits Screen update 2024.02.24

    Header/Basic Information

    This information is brought forward from the last encounter.
    basic soap info

    1. Date – Date of service (DOS) can be edited. Does not need to be the same as appointment date record is associated with.
    2. Date of Onset – Will be included with billing for DOS
    3. Visit Type– Visit Type is used to manage different cases for individual patients. A patient can have Dx, SOAP, and Procedures associated different visit types. When you use ‘Get Previous’ commands, Chart Talk will import information from the previous encounter of the same visit type.
    4. Payer Name- Allows you to select the preferred payer for that DOS and visit type. This will direct the billing to the selected payer, even if it’s not their primary.
    5. Alerts – Displays text when scheduling appointments for patient
    6. Message – Follows patient. Displays contents of the Notes field on Patient General Information
    7. Seen by – Provider seeing patient. NPI will be associated for billing.
    8. Claim No.- Insurance claim number associated with case
    9. Accident Reason – Enabled only when Visit Type has property “is Accident”
    10. State – Enabled only when Accident Reason is Auto


    SOAP Body

    SOAP SMART Command – Right Click on any S,O,A,P field to ‘Get Previous’ results from the immediate prior visit of the same Visit Type. On iOS,, tap the field labels to ‘Get Previous’

    1. Subjective – Related Posts: Patient Reminders, Chief Complaint Form
    2. Objective
    3. Assessment
    4. Plan

    Billing Information

    *CODE GROUPS: Please see page How to Create and Use Code Groups to find out more about this feature.

    billing info

    1. Add Dx – Button opens the Add Dx tool. Dragging list items will reorder Dx list. Top Dx is Primary Dx.
      1. Code
      2. Description
    2. Add CPT – To modify an existing procedure delete the item and add again
      1. Code
      2. Description
      3. Units
      4. Modifier
      5. Rate
    3. Exam Checkbox – Tick if exam performed on DOS
    4. XRay Checkbox – Tick if XRay exists corresponding to DOS

    Completing Documentation

    Save.complete bar1

    View 1- prior to completing the visit, user will only have the above 4 options

    1. Floating Save, Save and Complete, Cancel, Compare button group
      1. Save- saves the SOAP without completing the visit or creating the charge
      2. Save & Complete – One click will: Mark visit complete and create charges for visit
      3. Cancel
      4. Compare – View three consecutive SOAP notes sided by side

    save.complete bar2

    View 2- after completing the visit, user now has additional choices

    1. Floating Save, Cancel, Compare, Print, Add Patient Signature button group
      1. Save- saves any changes made within documentation portion of the SOAP
      2. Cancel
      3. Compare – View three consecutive SOAP notes sided by side
      4. Print- Prints the SOAP notes
      5. Add Patient Signature- Prompts a pop up for adding a patients signature directly to that SOAP


    get previous

    Smart Commands

    Can be accessed by right clicking any text field

      1. Previous Subjective – Overwrites subjective field with value of previous subjective field of the same visit type.
      2. Previous Objective – Overwrites objective field with value of previous objective field of the same visit type.
      3. Previous Assessment – Overwrites assessment field with value of previous assessment field of the same visit type.
      4. Previous Plan – Overwrites plan field with value of previous plan field of the same visit type.
      5. Previous SOAP – Overwrites all SOAP fields with value of previous SOAP fields of the same visit type.
      6. Active Meds – Appends a list of active medication where the cursor is located.
      7. Vitals – Appends a list of most recent vital values blood pressure, height, weight, and BMI where the cursor is located
      8. Allergy – Appends a list of active allergies where the cursor is located.