
    Filters- use to search for specific visit(s) in the ‘Charges Screen’

  1. Insured/Non Insured – Display list for patients with insured type primary payers/Display list for patients with non-insured type primary payers
  2. Charge ID
  3. Last Name, First Name
  4. Actions

  5. Filter – Apply filters
  6. Reset – Clear all filters
  7. Process for billing – Process selected claim(s) for billing
  8. Data Columns

  9. Expand details
  10. Charge ID
  11. Visit Time
  12. Duration
  13. Patient Name- click it will bring you to the patients dashboard
  14. Staff Name/ Seen by
  15. Payer Name
  16. Trash Bin – Delete charge and reset appointment status or process single charge to billing.