

Add Guarantor Form


Click ‘Link to Patient’ box and choose patient.
Best Practice link patient guarantor to another patient account

Otherwise …

  1. Patient Guarantor
    1. Payer Contract – Select primary payer
    2. Same as patient – Tic box to save time completing form
    3. First Name
    4. Last Name
    5. Middle Name
    6. Date of Birth
    7. Gender
    8. Client Relation
    9. Address
    10. SSN
    11. Name of Employer
    12. Email
    13. Language
    14. State
    15. City
    16. Cell Phone
    17. Home Phone
    18. Zip

Add Button commits form.

Column Data

  1. Patient Guarantors
    1. Last Name
    2. First Name
    3. Relation
    4. Edit
    5. Delete

All Guarantors will show up as options to recieve payments.

NOTE: Any new patient created will automatically have guarantor added as self.