Problem List

BEST PRACTICE: Add Dx from the Visit screen. Use the Problem List for reference to see Dx history and cases sise-by-side.


  1. Delete – Remove all record of Dx
  2. Edit – Change a property of the selected record
  3. Description – As defined for Billing Code library
  4. Problem Code – As defined for Billing Code library
  5. Diagnosed – Date first entered/diagnosed
  6. Modified – Most recent date the record was altered/modified/edited
  7. Visit Type – Associated visit type for case management
  8. Index – Not editable. Reflects order of Dx from Visit Screen

Adding a Diagnosis


  1. Problem Code – Description and Code listed in Billing Code library
    1. Add Problem Code
  2. Visit Type – Associated visit type for case managemnt
  3. Status – Active, resolved, or chronic
  4. Diagnosed Date – Use calendar tool to select or type in date
  5. Save and Return to Problem List