Use the Exam Detail and Spinal Listing Tools

The Exam Details and Spinal Listings Tools are accessed from the visit record.

Exam Details

Exam Details are organized into Tabs and Subtabs. The Tabs hold different regions and related testing groups. The subtabs organize the tests further by type of test (Range of Motion, Neurological, Orthopedic).

When opening the Exam Detail Tool the Exam checkbox is automatically checked in case you update and save a new record. The previous exam details in the head of the tool is the last time an Exam Detail record was saved. This can be a different date than the Last Exam indicator from the Patient Information Panel (see below). The header also contains the Visit Type of the visit from when the previous exam details was saved.

Get previous Exam Details – Imports the values from the previous exam into the new record. Record can be reviewed, edited, and when saved will create a new exam details associated with the DOS.

Last Exam Indicator

The last exam indicator in the patient information panel indicates when the Exam box on the SOAP screen was checked. When using the Exam Detail Tool, the box is automatically ticked for your convenience. The box can be used independently of the Exam Details tab if you use a SMART Command or other method to enter exam details in your SOAP note.

Spinal Listings

The spinal list tool works similarly to Exam Details. The records are independent of the SOAP note, even though they appear on the same screen.

Last listing

indicates when the tool was used last for the patient.

Upon opening, the Spinal listing tool displays the values from the last time the tool was saved. You can update these fields and save again, will set the last saved to your current date.