Using Chart Talk Memos

How you use Chart Talk Memos is limited only by your imagination. At this time, Memo alerts are available in the following cotexts:

  1. Clinic Schedule – Active Memo Icon on appointment Slide out alert when scheduling
  2. Route Slip – Active memos listed under route slip header
  3. Autopost Screen – Slide Out Alert
  4. Check Input Tool – Slide Out Alert
  5. SOAP – Slide out Alert
  6. Billing Screen – Slide Out Alert
  7. Patient Payment Screen
  8. Clinic Dashboard – Active Memo Icon
>Use Case Scenario 1: Update patient insurance information

You want to remind everyone when scheduling a patient, checking them in, or seeing the patient to get updated insurance information and to scan a copy of the insurance casr into the patient file cabinet.

  1. Using the expanded Memo Tool, click the + to add a new memo. (If you are on one of the patient screens, the patient name will be prepopulated)
  2. Select Patient and contexts Cliic Dashboard, Clinic Schedule, SOAP, and Route Slip
  3. Enter message text
  4. Click Save
  5. Once clinic staff has updated information and scanned document in, acknowledging the memo with the red X using the memo tool will inactivate the memo in all contexts.

Use Case Scenario 2: Remind billing to send claim to secondary insurance

  1. Using the expanded Memo Tool, click the + to add a new memo. (If you are on one of the patient screens, the patient name will be prepopulated)
  2. Select Patient and contexts Check Input Tool
  3. Enter message text
  4. Click Save
  5. You may not want to ever acknowledge this memo because it will be used to remind billing everytime when manually posting payments to remember to send to secondary (When Autoposting, Chart Talk automatically propts user to send secondary claim)